Upscale Catering Service

Bringing fine dining to your home in Israel.
IL (972) 52-569-4391 US +1 (347) 423-5707

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Mishloach Manos

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Rave Reviews

"Every dish was a masterpiece! Truly elevated our Shabbos experience. Thank you, Designer Bakehouse!"
- David R.

"Everything on the menu is absolutely fabulous. I recommend their service 100%"
- Harold S.

"By far the best and most glamourous catering I've ever had. My event was a total hit."
- Amanda R.

"The staff was excellent and the food was amazing. This will definitely become our new tradition."
- Donald C.

"The meals were exquisite, bringing fine dining right to my home. Highly recommend Designer Bakehouse!"

- Sarah L.

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